How To See Letterboxd Wrapped 2024?

Letterboxd Wrapped 2024

Letterboxd is a social media platform for movie lovers where you can rate, review, and keep track of the films you watch.

If you are its user, you might wonder how to see your wrapped 2024, a personalized summary of your movie-watching activity in the past year.

In this article, we will explain what Letterboxd Wrapped is, how to access it, and what you can do with it.

What Is Letterboxd Wrapped?

Letterboxd Wrapped is a feature that Letterboxd offers every year, usually in early January, to showcase your cinematic achievements and preferences.

Letterboxd Wrapped 2024
You can track your watched movies through Letterboxd.

It is similar to Spotify Wrapped, which gives you a recap of your music listening habits.

Similarly, it gives you a variety of statistics and insights, such as:

  1. How many films you watched and how many hours you spent watching them
  2. Find out how many films you rated, reviewed, and added to your watchlist.
  3. How many films have you liked, how many have you rewatched, and how many have you seen from various genres, countries, languages, and decades
  4. How many films you watched from different directors, actors, and writers
  5. What your highest-rated and lowest-rated films were
  6. What were your most popular and most obscure films were
  7. What your favorite and least favorite films of the year were
  8. And more.

How To Access Letterboxd Wrapped?

To access your Letterboxd Wrapped 2024, you must have a Letterboxd account and log in to the website or the app.

Then, you need to go to it’s wrapped page, where you will see a button that says “Show me my 2024”.

Now you can click on it and wait for a few seconds while Letterboxd generates your personalized report.

Moreover, you can also see other users’ Letterboxd Wrapped by clicking on their profile pictures on the same page.

What To Do With Letterboxd Wrapped?

Once you see your Letterboxd Wrapped 2024, you can do many things with it, such as:

  1. Share it on social media platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or Reddit, using the hashtag #LetterboxdWrapped
  2. Compare it with your friends or other users Letterboxd Wrapped and see how your tastes and habits match or differ
  3. Discover new films or genres that you might have missed or overlooked
  4. Revisit some of the films that you loved or hated and see if your opinions have changed
  5. Challenge yourself to watch more or different films in the next year and set some goals or resolutions
  6. Enjoy the nostalgia and the satisfaction of seeing your cinematic journey in 2024


Letterboxd Wrapped is a fun and informative way to celebrate your love for movies and to reflect on your cinematic experiences.

We hope this article helped you understand how to see your wrapped 2024 and what to do with it.

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