Cardinal Apartment Complex Parking In Escape From Tarkov

Cardinal Apartment Complex Parking

In Escape of Takov, one of the newest maps is Streets of Tarkov, a sprawling urban area with many buildings, vehicles, and hidden dangers.

One of the extraction points for Scavs on the map is the Cardinal Apartment Complex Parking. It is located in the north part of the map between two apartment buildings.

In this article, we will explain how to find and use this exit, as well as some tips and tricks to make your escape easier.

How To Find The Cardinal Apartment Complex Parking Exit?

The Cardinal Apartment Complex Parking exit is always active and has no restrictions, any Scav can use it at any time.

However, finding it can be tricky, as it is not marked on the map and is hidden behind a wall.

To find it, you need to follow these steps:

    1. You can find the Klimov Trading Center, a large mall with a glass roof and a “Klimov” sign on the front. It is a Scav exit on the east side of the map.
  1. Now, go west from the Klimov Trading Center, following the main road that runs through the map. You will pass by several buildings and vehicles on your way, as well as some potential enemies and loot spots.
  2. After 300 meters, you’ll see the Cardinal Apartment Complex on your left. It has a sign with “Cardinal” on the front. The parking lot is behind the complex.
Cardinal Apartment Complex Parking
Cardinal Apartment Complex Parking in Escape of Trakov.
  1. You can go around the apartment complex, either from the left or the right side, until you reach the back of the building.
  2. You will see a wall with a door in it and a sign that says “Parking” above it. This is the entrance to the Cardinal Apartment Complex Parking exit.
  3. Furthermore, approach the door and trigger the extraction timer. You will need to wait for a few seconds until the extraction is complete.

Now, you have successfully escaped from the Streets of Tarkov.

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Use Cardinal Apartment Complex Parking Exit

The Cardinal Apartment Complex Parking exit is a convenient and easy way to escape from the Streets of Tarkov, but it also comes with some risks and challenges.

Here are some tips and tricks to help you use this exit safely and efficiently:

  1. You must be careful of other players and Scavs who may be camping or patrolling near the exit. The parking lot is a popular spot for ambushes and firefights, as it offers good cover and visibility.
  2. Always check your surroundings and use stealth and caution when approaching the exit.
  3. Be aware of the noise you make when using the exit. The door to the parking lot makes a loud sound when opened, which can alert nearby enemies to your presence. Try to time your extraction when the area is quiet, or use a suppressor or a flashbang to mask the sound.
  4. When entering a parking lot, it’s important to be prepared for a potential altercation. The parking lot is small and has only one entrance and exit. If someone follows you inside, you must face them in a close-quarters combat situation.
  5. In this situation, you must have a suitable weapon and some grenades ready, and use the cars and pillars as cover.
  6. When managing your inventory, take advantage of the parking lot exit to discard unwanted items and free up space in your backpack.

Moreover, you can drop or sell some of the loot you found on the map, or transfer it to your stash if you can access it.

However, do not spend too much time looting or sorting your inventory; you may attract unwanted attention or miss the extraction window.


The Cardinal Apartment Complex Parking exit is one of the many extraction points available for Scavs on Streets of Tarkov, a new and challenging map in Escape of Takov.

This exit is always active and has no restrictions but it is also hidden and risky.

By following this guide, you can learn how to find and use this exit and some tips and tricks to make your escape easier and safer.

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