Animal Well Flute: How To Use It?

Animal Well Flute

The Animal Well Flute is a key item in the indie game “Animal Well,” a Metroidvania-style platformer known for its intricate puzzles and exploration.

This flute is not just an ordinary item; it’s the key to unlocking the game’s fast travel system, which deviates from traditional methods found in other games of the genre.

In this article, you will learn about the flute and how to use it.

Animal Well Flute: An Overview

To unlock the Animal Well Flute, players must embark on a quest to collect eight secret eggs hidden throughout the game’s expansive map.

These eggs are often guarded by challenging puzzles or concealed behind deceptive walls. Once players find any combination of eight eggs, a door opens in the egg room, revealing the coveted Animal Flute.

Animal Well Flute

How to Use the Animal Well Flute?

Using the Animal Flute in the game is a unique experience that allows players to navigate the game’s world more efficiently. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use the Flute:

Unlocking the Flute

First, you need to collect eight secret eggs scattered throughout the game. These eggs are often hidden behind puzzles or false walls. Once you have eight eggs, a door will open in the egg room, leading you to the Animal Flute.

Waking the Chinchillas
With the Flute in hand, you can wake sleeping chinchillas by playing a note. These creatures then act as platforms to help you reach higher areas.

Opening Animal Mouths
Throughout the game, you’ll find animal heads mounted on walls near obelisks.

Therefore, playing any note on the Flute near these obelisks will open the animal heads, revealing fast travel points.

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The Fast Travel Room
Once you’ve activated an animal head, you can jump into its mouth to be taken to the Fast Travel room.

Here, standing on the central pedestal and playing the flute will open several animal mouths, each leading to a different area of the game you’ve previously visited.

The Fish Code
In a room below the Fast Travel room, there’s a pond with a green fish that pops out of the water in a specific pattern.

Additionally, this pattern is a code for a tune you can play on the Animal Flute: Right, Right, Left, Left, Down, Down, Up, Up.

Playing this sequence will warp you back to the Fast Travel room from any location on the map


    Animal Well takes a creative approach to fast travel, intertwining it with the game’s core of exploration and discovery.

    Moreover, the Flute stands out as a cleverly designed item that enriches the gaming experience, proving that sometimes, the journey is just as important as the destination.

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