What Does RAP Mean in Blade Ball Trading?

RAP in Blade Ball

Blade Ball is a popular online game with a bustling trading community where players exchange items and in-game currency.

One of the most crucial terms in these transactions is “RAP.” If you’re involved in Blade Ball trading, understanding RAP is essential to making informed decisions.

In this article, we’ll dive into what RAP means in Blade Ball trading, its significance, and how it can influence your trading strategy.

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RAP in Blade Ball Trading

RAP, or “Recent Average Price,” is a key metric in the game. It represents the average price at which an item has been sold in recent transactions.

Additionally, it’s calculated from the multitude of transactions that occur, providing a benchmark for traders. Essentially, it’s an indicator of an item’s worth within the Blade Ball marketplace.

RAP in Blade Ball

How is RAP Calculated?

The RAP value in Blade Ball is influenced by several factors, including:

Number of Items Sold: The total quantity of an item that has been sold in recent trades.
Trade Value: The value at which the items were exchanged during trades.

Previously Sold Prices: The cost of the item during previous transactions.

Average Items Traded Daily: The frequency with which the item is traded daily.

By considering these factors, RAP provides players with a snapshot of an item’s current value in the marketplace. For instance, if an item is sold frequently at a high price, its RAP will increase, reflecting its rising value.


So, what does RAP mean in Blade Ball trading? RAP, or Recent Average Price, is a crucial metric that helps players determine the current market value of items in the game.

Moreover, by understanding and utilizing RAP, players can make informed decisions, engage in fair trades, and enjoy the economic aspects of the game to their fullest.

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