Perkeo: The Legendary Joker In Balatro

perkeo balatro

Balatro, the mesmerizing roguelike deck builder, invites players into a world where poker hands and strategic synergies collide.

Among the 150 Jokers to collect, five stand out as legendary, each wielding unique abilities that can transform your game.

This article delves into Perkeo’s true potential, exploring his strengths, weaknesses, and how to effectively incorporate him into your Balatro strategy.

Unlocking Legendary Jokers in Balatro

Legendary Jokers aren’t handed out freely in Balatro.

To acquire them, you’ll need a dash of luck and a sprinkle of determination. Here’s how:

Spectral Packs

Legendary Jokers don’t lurk in the regular Joker shop.

Instead, they emerge from Spectral Packs. Keep your eyes peeled for the elusive Soul Card, which occasionally appears in these packs.

Similarly, you might even spot it in an Arcana Pack, although the chances are minuscule.

The Soul Card Ritual

Once you’ve secured the Soul Card, play it like a trump card.

A random Legendary Joker will materialize in your collection.

But beware: you must have room in your Joker collection to accommodate this rare addition.

Meet the Legendary Jokers

Each Legendary Joker draws inspiration from historical jesters, infusing the game with their quirky abilities. Let’s meet them:

  1. Canio
    • Effect: Gains 1x multiplier when a face card is destroyed. Stacks infinitely.
    • Note: Canio’s power escalates as the royal cards fall.
  2. Triboulet
    • Effect: Played Kings and Queens each grant a 2x multiplier when scored.
    • Strategy: Build your hand around these regal cards for maximum impact.
  3. Yorick
    • Effect: Initially, it does nothing. After 23 discards, gain 5x multipliers for the rest of the run.
    • Timing Matters: Yorick’s late-game boost can turn the tide if used wisely.
  4. Chicot:
    • Effect: Disables all negative effects of every future Boss Blind.
    • Boss Battle Savior: Chicot’s ability is no joke—especially when you’re nearing the eighth Ante.
  5. Perkeo:
    • Effect: Creates a negative copy of one random consumable card in your possession at the end of the shop phase.
    • Late-Game Powerhouse: Copy Tarot Cards like Hanged Man or The Fool to tailor your deck strategically.

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What Is Perkeo In Balatro?

Perkeo, the enigmatic legendary joker in Balatro, often finds himself shrouded in confusion and dismissed as a niche pick.

perkeo balatro
Perkeo is a card in Balatro.

However, beneath his unassuming demeanor lies a potent ability capable of turning the tide of a run in the hands of a skilled player.

Let me unravel the enigma of Perkeo for you:

  1. Card Effect: When you play Perkeo, it creates a Negative copy of one random Consumable card in your possession at the end of the Shop phase.
  2. Strategic Potential: Perkeo’s ability allows you to duplicate cards like Tarot Cards (such as Hanged Man for destroying cards in your deck or The Fool for replaying the most recent Planet or Tarot Card). By stacking these hand bonuses, you can tailor your deck to your specific needs.
  3. Late-Game Power: Perkeo shines as a powerful late-game Joker. Imagine multiplying the effects of essential cards just when you need that extra boost.


Perkeo might not be for everyone. His playstyle demands a certain level of comfort with randomness and strategic adaptability.

However, for players willing to embrace his chaotic nature and build around his unique ability,

Perkeo can become a formidable weapon in their Balatro arsenal, capable of turning the tide of even the most challenging runs.

So, the next time you encounter Perkeo, don’t be quick to dismiss him. With a little planning and a dash of daring, he could just be the key to unlocking your next Balatro victory.

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