Last Epoch Desert Treasure: A Guide to Finding the Hidden Loot

Last Epoch Desert Treasure

One of the quests that you can encounter in Last Epoch is the Desert Treasure quest. It involves searching for a hidden treasure in the desert.

This quest is not only fun and rewarding but also full of secrets and surprises.

This guide will show you how to complete the Desert Treasure quest and what you can expect from it.

How To Start The Desert Treasure Quest?

After completing The Desert Waystation, the Desert Treasure quest becomes available in Chapter 6.

The mission giver, a mysterious woman known as The Oracle, may be found at Titan’s Canyon.

Last Epoch Desert Treasure
Desert Treasure in Last Epoch.

She will inform you that there is a treasure hidden in the desert, and that you must locate a contract to claim it.

Similarly, she will notify you that a corrupted waypoint in the Maj’elkan Catacombs needs to be eliminated.

How To Destroy The Corrupted Waypoint?

The first step of the quest is to enter the Maj’elkan Catacombs, which are located in the southeast corner of the Titan’s Canyon.

The catacombs are a dark and twisted labyrinth, full of undead, cultists, and traps.

You will need to navigate through the catacombs until you reach the waypoint, which is guarded by a powerful enemy named Spymaster Zerrick.

He is a rogue who can use stealth, poison, and traps to ambush you, so be careful. Once you defeat him, you can interact with the waypoint and destroy it.

This will open a portal to the Waystation Complex, where you can find a normal waypoint and continue your journey.

How to Find the Contract In Last Epoch?

The second step of the quest is to find the contract that will lead you to the treasure.

The contract is hidden somewhere in the Titan’s Canyon, but The Oracle didn’t tell you where exactly.

Furthermore, you will have to search for clues and follow them to the right location.

Here are some hints to help you:

  • The contract is in one of the caves in the canyon, but not the one where you destroyed the corrupted waypoint.
  • The cave where the contract is has a sign with a snake on it, which is the symbol of the Scalebane, a faction of reptilian bandits.
  • The cave where the contract is is also near a large rock formation that resembles a dragon’s head.

If you follow these clues, you will find the cave where the contract is. However, you will also find a Scalebane Fence, an NPC who will offer you to pay 5,000 gold for the information.

You can choose to pay him or not, but either way, you will get the contract and complete the quest.

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What Is The Treasure?

The treasure that the contract leads you to is actually a hidden oasis in the desert, called Alhazred’s Oasis.

This oasis is a beautiful and peaceful place, full of lush vegetation and water. It is also a place where you can find some rare loot, such as idols, relics, and unique items.

However, the oasis is not without dangers, as you will also encounter some hostile creatures, such as the Desert Scorpion and the Sandwurm.

You will also find a time rift in the oasis, which will take you to another era of Eterra. There you can discover more secrets and mysteries.

Why You Should Do The Desert Treasure Quest?

The Desert Treasure quest is one of the most interesting and rewarding quests in Last Epoch, and you should do it if you have the chance.

Here are some of the benefits of completing this quest:

  • You will get a passive point and an idol slot as rewards, which are always useful for your build.
  • You will get to explore some of the most fascinating and mysterious areas in the game and learn more about the lore and history of Eterra.
  • You will get to make a choice that will affect the outcome of the quest, and possibly the future of the world.
  • You will get to see some amazing visuals, such as the majestic Titan’s Canyon, the eerie Maj’elkan Catacombs, and the stunning Alhazred’s Oasis.
  • You will get to fight some challenging and unique enemies, such as the Scalebane Fence, the Desert Scorpion, and the Sandwurm.

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